Wednesday, November 4, 2009


walls in office
covered with birds
none in my binoculars

that plant
on office shelf
has grown roots

mountain hike
pink valley below
with twinkling lights

when did this
small city get too big
for me to breath?


  1. ___The mountain hike, such a -free- contrary to the office and the city. Fine thought Annie. _m

  2. Yes I do feel free in the mountains, and use to feel free with my jobs that required me to wander mountains all day and find animals. Artemis doesn't like staying still too long, she might grow roots like my office plant (a frightening discovery).

  3. Annie,
    _I thank you for your recent visit, and to refer to a portion of your comment:
    _I do not assume to be a 'teacher' here, but there is value in that old Japanese axiom, "Less is More." Minimize! Leave the reader "wondering." Wonder spurs the imagination, and allows the reader's imagination to complete your thought according to "their perception" of your haiku/senryu... and you'd be amazed how closely parallel their image becomes.
    Respectfully, _m
